In Jesus Name by Darlene Zschech

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-- START -- [Intro] C D C D C D [Verse 1] G Em7 God is fighting for us, God is on our side Bm D He has overcome, Yes he has overcome G Em7 We will not be shaken, we will not be moved D Jesus You are here [Interlude] G Em7 Bm D G Em7 D [Verse 1] G Em7 God is fighting for us, God is on our side Bm D He has overcome, Yes he has overcome G Em7 We will not be shaken, we will not be moved D Jesus You are here [Verse 2] G Em7 Carrying our burdens, covering our shame Bm D He has overcome, Yes he has overcome G Em7 We will not be shaken, we will not be moved D Jesus You are here [Chorus] A G I will live, I will not die D Bm C The resurrection power of Christ alive in me G D And I am free in Jesus Name [Interlude] G Em7 Bm D G Em7 D [Verse 2] G Em7 Carrying our burdens, covering our shame Bm D He has overcome, Yes he has overcome G Em7 We will not be shaken, we will not be moved D Jesus You are here [Chorus] A G I will live, I will not die D Bm C The resurrection power of Christ alive in me G D And I am free in Jesus Name A G I will live, I will not die D Bm C I will declare and lift You high, Christ revealed G D C D And I am healed in Jesus Name [Interlude] G Em7 Bm D G Em7 D [Instrumental] G A Bm D/F# D G A Bm D/F# G A Bm D/F# G A Bm D/F# [Bridge] G A God is fighting for us, pushing back the darkness Bm D/F# Lighting up the Kingdom that cannot be shaken G A In the Name of Jesus, enemy's defeated Bm D And we will shout it out, shout it out God is fighting for us, pushing back the darkness Bm D/F# Lighting up the Kingdom that cannot be shaken G A In the Name of Jesus, enemy's defeated Bm D And we will shout it out, shout it out [Chorus] A G I will live, I will not die D Bm C The resurrection power of Christ alive in me G D(no3) And I am free in Jesus Name A G I will live, I will not die D Bm C I will declare and lift You high, Christ revealed G D C D And I am healed in Jesus Name, in Jesus Name C D C D In Jesus Name, in Jesus Name -- END --


[Verse 1]
God is fighting for us, God is on our side
He has overcome, Yes he has overcome
We will not be shaken, we will not be moved
Jesus You are here
[Verse 1]
God is fighting for us, God is on our side
He has overcome, Yes he has overcome
We will not be shaken, we will not be moved
Jesus You are here
[Verse 2]
Carrying our burdens, covering our shame
He has overcome, Yes he has overcome
We will not be shaken, we will not be moved
Jesus You are here
I will live, I will not die
The resurrection power of Christ alive in me
And I am free in Jesus Name
[Verse 2]
Carrying our burdens, covering our shame
He has overcome, Yes he has overcome
We will not be shaken, we will not be moved
Jesus You are here
I will live, I will not die
The resurrection power of Christ alive in me
And I am free in Jesus Name
I will live, I will not die
I will declare and lift You high, Christ revealed
And I am healed in Jesus Name
God is fighting for us, pushing back the darkness
Lighting up the Kingdom that cannot be shaken
In the Name of Jesus, enemy's defeated
And we will shout it out, shout it out
God is fighting for us, pushing back the darkness
Lighting up the Kingdom that cannot be shaken
In the Name of Jesus, enemy's defeated
And we will shout it out, shout it out
I will live, I will not die
The resurrection power of Christ alive in me
And I am free in Jesus Name
I will live, I will not die
I will declare and lift You high, Christ revealed
And I am healed in Jesus Name, in Jesus Name
In Jesus Name, in Jesus Name

In Jesus Name Chords Avaiable in All Family Key

Get "In Jesus Name" chords and lyrics with option to transpose to all keys! In Jesus Name is a Christian/Gospel song by Darlene Zschech. To transpose this song simply click the Preferred key on the top section of the lyrics. You can also enable the "Auto Scroll" function that automatically scrolls down the page for you so while playing you won't need to scroll it manually.

Family Key Chords in the Family
In Jesus Name in key of Ab or A Flat key.
  • Ab major (Ab, C, Eb) - I chord
  • Bb minor (Bb, Db, F) - ii chord
  • C minor (C, Eb, G) - iii chord
  • Db major (Db, F, Ab) - IV chord
  • Eb major (Eb, G, Bb) - V chord
  • F minor (F, Ab, C) - vi chord
  • G diminished (G, Bb, Db) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of A or A major key.
  • A major (A, C#, E) - I chord
  • B minor (B, D, F#) - ii chord
  • C# minor (C#, E, G#) - iii chord
  • D major (D, F#, A) - IV chord
  • E major (E, G#, B) - V chord
  • F# minor (F#, A, C#) - vi chord
  • G# diminished (G#, B, D) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of A# or A sharp key.
  • A# major (A#, D, F) - I chord
  • B# (C) minor (B#(C), D#, F#) - ii chord
  • C minor (C, Eb, G) - iii chord
  • C# major (C#, F, G#) - IV chord
  • D# major (D#, G, A#) - V chord
  • F minor (F, Ab, C) - vi chord
  • G diminished (G, Bb, Db) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of Bb or B Flat key.
  • Bb major (Bb, D, F) - I chord
  • C minor (C, Eb, G) - ii chord
  • Db major (Db, F, Ab) - iii chord
  • Eb major (Eb, G, Bb) - IV chord
  • F major (F, A, C) - V chord
  • G minor (G, Bb, D) - vi chord
  • Ab diminished (Ab, B, D) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of B or B Major key.
  • B major (B, D#, F#) - ii chord
  • C# minor (C#, E, G#) - ii chord
  • D# minor (D#, F#, A#) - iii chord
  • E major (E, G#, B) - IV chord
  • F# major (F#, A#, C#) - V chord
  • G# minor (G#, B, D#) - vi chord
  • A# diminished (A#, C#, E) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of C or C Major key.
  • C major (C, E, G) - I chord
  • D minor (D, F, A) - ii chord
  • E minor (E, G, B) - iii chord
  • F major (F, A, C) - IV chord
  • G major (G, B, D) - V chord
  • A minor (A, C, E) - vi chord
  • B diminished (B, D, F) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of C# or C Sharp key.
  • C# major (C#, E#, G#) - I chord
  • D# minor (D#, F#, A#) - ii chord
  • F minor (F, Ab, C) - iii chord
  • F# major (F#, A#, C#) - IV chord
  • G# major (G#, B#, D#) - V chord
  • A# minor (A#, C#, E#) - vi chord
  • B# diminished (B#(C), D#, F#) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of Db or D Flat key.
  • Db major (Db, F, Ab) - I chord
  • Eb minor (Eb, Gb, Bb) - ii chord
  • F minor (F, Ab, C) - iii chord
  • Gb major (Gb, Bb, Db) - IV chord
  • Ab major (Ab, C, Eb) - V chord
  • Bb minor (Bb, Db, F) - vi chord
  • C diminished (C, Eb, Gb) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of D or D Major key.
  • D major (D, F#, A) - I chord
  • E minor (E, G, B) - ii chord
  • F# minor (F#, A, C#) - iii chord
  • G major (G, B, D) - IV chord
  • A major (A, C#, E) - V Chord
  • B minor ((B, D, F#)) - V Chord
  • C# diminished (C#, E, G) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of D# or D Sharp key.
  • D# major (D#, G, A#) - I chord
  • E# (F) minor (E#(F), G#, B) - ii chord
  • F minor (F, Ab, C) - iii chord
  • F# major (F#, A#, C#) - IV chord
  • G# major (G#, B#, D#) - V chord
  • A# minor (A#, C#, E#) - vi chord
  • B# diminished (B#(C), D#, F#) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of Eb or E Flat key.
  • Eb major (Eb, G, Bb) - I chord
  • F minor (F, Ab, C) - ii chord
  • G minor (G, Bb, D) - iii chord
  • Ab major (Ab, C, Eb) - IV chord
  • Bb major (Bb, D, F) - V chord
  • C minor (C, Eb, G) - vi chord
  • D diminished (D, F, Ab) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of F or F Major.
  • F major (F, A, C) - I chord
  • G minor (G, Bb, D) - ii chord
  • A minor (A, C, E) - iii chord
  • Bb major (Bb, D, F) - IV chord
  • C major (C, E, G) - V chord
  • D minor (D, F, A) - vi chord
  • E diminished (E, G, Bb) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of F# or F Sharp.
  • F# major (F#, A#, C#) - I chord
  • G# minor (G#, B, D#) - ii chord
  • A# minor (A#, C#, E#) - iii chord
  • B major (B, D#, F#) - IV chord
  • C# major (C#, E#, G#) - V chord
  • D# minor (D#, F#, A#) - vi chord
  • E# diminished (E#(F), G#, B) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of Gb or G Flat.
  • Gb major (Gb, Bb, Db) - I chord
  • Ab minor (Ab, B, Eb) - ii chord
  • Bb minor (Bb, Db, F) - iii chord
  • Db major (Db, F, Ab) - IV chord
  • Eb major (Eb, G, Bb) - V chord
  • F minor (F, Ab, C) - vi chord
  • G diminished (G, Bb, Db) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of G or G Major.
  • G major (G, B, D) - I chord
  • A minor (A, C, E) - ii chord
  • B minor (B, D, F#) - iii chord
  • C major (C, E, G) - IV chord
  • D major (D, F#, A) - V chord
  • E minor (E, G, B) - vi chord
  • F# diminished (F#, A, C) - vii° chord
In Jesus Name in key of G# or G Sharp.
  • G# major (G#, B#, D#) - I chord
  • A# minor (A#, C#, E#) - ii chord
  • B# (C) minor (B#(C), D#, F#) - iii chord
  • C# major (C#, E#, G#) - IV chord
  • D# major (D#, F#, A#) - V chord
  • F minor (F, Ab, C) - vi chord
  • G diminished (G, Bb, Db) - vii° chord